For Our Patients
- If you are feeling ill, have symptoms of sickness, were in contact with a COVID presumed-positive person, or traveled internationally within 14 days of your appointment, please call us to reschedule.
- Please do not bring friends, family members, or spouses to the appointments.
- Mask or facial cover is required before entering our facility.
- We encourage you to follow CDC safe hygiene practices.
In Our Clinics
- We follow universal precautions for cleaning, sterilizing, hand-washing, and personal protective equipment per Center for Disease Control guidelines.
- All clinical instruments, and equipment are sanitized between every patient.
- Reception area and non-treatment rooms are cleansed frequently.
- We are practicing “social distancing” for greetings, goodbyes, and reception area seating – so expect a smile instead of a handshake.
For Our Doctors & Patient Care Staff
- Our team will not work if they are experiencing symptoms, or if someone in their household is sick.
- All staff have received additional training and are following additional cleanliness protocols.

Book a Consultation
To request a vein consultation, fill out the form below or call us!
Walnut Creek 925-937-8346